Roll out for Windows

Seclore for Windows can be installed using Central Management tools like SCCM in multiple machines. 

The scripts mentioned below can be used while deploying the agent through a Central Management tool.


Follow these steps to roll out the Seclore for Windows agent: 


1.  Create a new Package











2. Create a new Program





Name: FileSecure Desktop Client Deployment
Comment: Desktop Client Deployment
Command Line: Enter the command mentioned below

Command for installation of Seclore for Windows agent:

msiexec.exe /i ""location where the msi is placed"\FileSecure Desktop Client.msi " /qn /norestart
(For example, msiexec.exe /i "C:\username\Desktop\FileSecure Desktop Client.msi" /qn /norestart)
Command for uninstalling
Seclore for Windows agent:

msiexec /x {DCD8999F-7A5D-4645-B4FE-56AC77F32F66} /qn

Start in: **blank
Run: Normal
After running: No action required
Category: **blank











3. Distribute the Package and the Program on Distribution Points








4. Create a new Advertisement











After these steps, the client machines belonging to the selected collections will download the program from their respective distribution points locally and execute it.

Note: Admin permissions are needed for the installation of the agent. The installation would be done for all users on one machine each.